Great Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis diet in Latvia 2009-2011
8th International Conference on Cormorants 5th Meeting of IUCN-Wetlands International Cormorant Research Group Medemblik, The Netherlands from 24 to 27 November 2011
8th Conference of the European Ornitologists Union, 27-30 August 2011, Riga
„The Global Environmental Change: Messages from Birds.”, Helsinki, 17.-19.11.2010. Stenda referāts – „(European) Great Cormorant (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) diet in Latvia” (K.Millers)
LU 68. konference, Rīga, 03.02.2010.
„Jūraskraukļa (Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis) barības sastāvs Latvijā” (K. Millers, G. Grandāns, D. Ozoliņš)
„BALTIC SEA CORMORANT SYMPOSIUM IN FINLAND 2010”, Helsinki, 26. – 28.01.2010. Referāts – „National report Latvia” (K. Millers)
10th Workshop of the SE European Bird Migration Network, "SEEN in the future”, Przebendowo, Poland, 11-13 December 2009
7th Conference of the European Ornithologists Union, University of Zurich, 21-26 August 2009. Stenda referāts GREAT CORMORANT (Phalacrocorax carbo) IN LATVIA
EU Commissions Meeting "Interaction between Cormorants and fisheries" 31 March 2009, Brussels, Belgium
LU 67. konference, Rīga, 12.02.2009.
„Jūraskraukļa (Phalacrocorax carbo) izplatība un skaita dinamika Latvijā” (K. Millers)
INTERCAFE at Paris, September 6-8th 2008
Case Study 3: Paris, France
“The Management of Cormorant-Fisheries Conflicts in France and the Wider European Context”
INTERCAFE at South Bohemia (Czech), April 11-13th 2008
“Management Practices in a complex habitat mosaic and at local, regional and national levels”
LU 66. konference, Rīga, 09.02.2008.
„Jūraskrauklis (Phalacrocorax carbo) – invazīva suga Latvijā” (K. Millers)
INTERCAFE at Po Delta, September 20-24rd 2007
Case Study 2: Po Delta, Italy
“Extensive aquaculture systems and the relationships between stakeholder perspectives and different spatial and institutional levels”
9th Workshop of the SE European Bird Migration Network, "SEEN in the future - monitoring", Cracow, Poland, 5-8 July 2007
„Sparrowhawks (Accipiter nisus) migration along the Eastern coast of Baltic sea” (K. Millers)
INTERCAFE at Hanko Peninsula (Finland), April 13-15th 2007
“What to do when the cormorant comes”
LU 65. konference, Rīga, 09.02.2007.
„Zvirbuļvanaga (Accipiter nisus) migrācija Baltijas jūras piekrastē” (K. Millers)
LU 64. konference, Rīga, 09.02.2006.
„Ausainās pūces (Asio otus) rudens migrāciju ietekmējošie faktori” (K. Millers, G. Graubics, J. Baumanis)
8th Workshop of the SE European Bird Migration Network, Praha, Czech Republic, 2–5 February 2006
„Autumn birs migration at Pape (Latvia) in 2005” (J. Baumanis, J. Kazubiernis, K. Millers)