November 2017

Last update 05.02.2018. at 20:16:14
Mistle Thrush (Turdus viscivorus) 1 feeding on field at Dimzukalns surrounding, Iecava county (E. & V.Smislovs). Late autumn migrant record or potential wintering individual.

Black Redstart (Phoenicurus ochruros) 1 F/1cy trapped and ringed at Lauteri, Salacgriva county (G.Graubics, J.Lipsbergs). Late autumn record. Lesser Redpoll (Acanthis cabaret) 1 ad F trapped and ringed at Alejas, Kekava county (K.Millers, I.Grinerte et al.). Arctic Redpoll (Acanthis hornemanni) 1 1cy M trapped and ringed at Lauteri, Salacgriva county (G.Graubics, J.Lipsbergs).

Lesser Redpoll (Acanthis cabaret) 2 1cy trapped and ringed at Alejas, Kekava county (K.Millers, I.Grinerte et al.).

Northern Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula) 1 at Birznieki surroundings, Adazi county (E.Smislovs, A.Kurockins, R.Matrozis).

 Surnia ulula
Northern Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula) 1 at Mangalsala, Riga (I.Denisovs). 5th record for Latvia this autumn and 1st time for Riga City. Still present at the same area also on 17.11.2017. (I.Denisovs).
 Surnia ulula
Surnia ulula
Arctic Redpoll (Acanthis hornemanni) 1 ad M trapped and ringed at Alejas, Kekava county (K.Millers), 1 observed visually at Mangalsala, Riga (I.Denisovs).

 Acanthis hornemanni
Arctic Redpoll (Acanthis hornemanni) 1 in the flock of 6 Common Redpolls (Acanthis flammea) at Nikrace surroundings, Skrunda county (R.Rekmanis).

Acanthis hornemanni
Barn Swallow (Hirundo rustica) 1 migrating S at Lauteri, Salacgriva county (G.Graubics). Quite late autumn record.

Northern Hawk Owl (Surnia ulula) 1 photographed at Grebneva surroundings, Karsava county (R.Ondzule). Arctic Redpoll (Acanthis hornemanni) >10 (total amount) migrating S in the flocks of Common Redpolls (Acanthis flammea) at Liepaja harbor S pier, Liepaja (K.Millers), 1 at Vecmilgravis Cemetery, Riga (I.Denisovs).

 Acanthis hornemanni
Lapwing (Vanellus vanellus) >1000; European Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria) >4500 at Rundale parish next to Pilsrundale, Rundale county (E.Laucis). Large number at one place in November for both species. Lesser Redpoll (Acanthis cabaret) 1 trapped and ringed at Nereta surroundings, Nereta county (K.Funts). Arctic Redpoll (Acanthis hornemanni) 1 observed visually in the flock of about 20 Common Redpolls (Acanthis flammea) at Jugla channel, Riga (I.Denisovs), 2 trapped and ringed at Nereta surroundings, Nereta county (K.Funts), 1 observed visually at Salacgriva harbor, Salacgriva (G.Graubics). Twite (Carduelis flavirostris) 1 ad M trapped and ringed at Lauteri, Salacgriva county (G.Graubics, J.Lipsbergs).

Acanthis hornemanni 
Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) 24 at Sloka lake, Jurmala (E.Hilmane). Large flock during autumn migration. Caspian Gull (Larus cachinnans) 1 1cy at Mangalsala pier, Riga (I.Denisovs). Present since 01.11.2017. (I.Denisovs).

Branta canadensis
Larus cachinnans 
Lesser Redpoll (Acanthis cabaret) 1 trapped and ringed at Vecsaule parish, Bauska county (A.Majevskis), 1 trapped and ringed at Nereta surroundings, Nereta county (K.Funts), 3 trapped and ringed at Birzgale surroundings, Kegums county (D.Boiko). Arctic Redpoll (Acanthis hornemanni) 3 in the flock of Common Redpolls (Acanthis flammea) at Lielupe river mouth surroundings, Jurmala (I.Denisovs), 1 ad M trapped and ringed at Vecsaule parish, Bauska county (A.Majevskis), 8 (6 ad MM, 1 1cy M un 1 ad F) trapped and ringed at  Birzgale surroundings, Kegums county (D.Boiko).

Acanthis cabaret
 Acanthis hornemanni
Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) 21 in the Gulf of Riga at Mangalsala pier, Riga (I.Bojare, I.Mardega). Large flock during autumn migration. Common Murre (Uria aalge) 3 (1 + 1 + 1) migrating E at Kolka Cape, Dundaga county (I.Brediks). Razorbill  (Alca torda) 1280 migrating E at Kolka Cape (census 8:00 - 12:00), Dundaga county (I.Brediks). Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) 1 at Mersrags harbor pier, Mersrags (I.Brediks). Latest autumn record! Lesser Redpoll (Acanthis cabaret) 1 1cy trapped and ringed at Alejas, Kekava county (K.Millers, I.Grinerte), 4 trapped and ringed at  Birzgale surroundings, Kegums county (D.Boiko). Arctic Redpoll (Acanthis hornemanni) 1 1cy F trapped and ringed at Alejas, Kekava county (K.Millers, I.Grinerte), 2 ad MM trapped and ringed at  Birzgale surroundings, Kegums county (D.Boiko).

 Branta canadensis
Oenanthe oenanthe
Lesser Redpoll (Acanthis cabaret) 3; Arctic Redpoll (Acanthis hornemanni) 2 (1 ad M and 1 1cy M) trapped and ringed at  Birzgale surroundings, Kegums county (D.Boiko).

Red Kite (Milvus milvus) 1 at Saraiki surroundings, Pavilosta county (H.Hofmanis). Late autumn record.

Caspian Gull (Larus cachinnans) 1 1cy at Mangalsala pier, Riga (I.Denisovs).
Larus cachinnans