August 2011

Last update 19.10.2011. at 12:06:08

Red-footed Falcon
(Falco vespertinus) 1 1cy near Indrani, Pavilosta county (K.Millers, E.Millere), 1 1cy near Ozolaine, Limbazi county, 1 1cy at Daugavgriva, Riga (M.Strazds et. al).

Falco vespertinus
Falco vespertinus

White-fronted Goose
(Anser albifrons) 24 migrating W near Limbazi, Limbazi county (A.Meinards). The earliest autumn migrants record for Latvia. Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus) 2 1cy migr. to S at Pape B.O., Rucava county (V.Vintulis).

Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus) 2 1cy at Smarde area, Tukuma county (G.Grandans, A.Avotins jun., et. al). Still present also on 01.09. (S.Rabkevics).

Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus) 1 near Pienava, Tukums county (D.Drazdovskis), at least 3 1cy at Vecdaugava, Riga (I.Denisovs, A.Purina). Still present also on 02.09. (I.Denisovs, R.Matrozis).

Falco vespertinus
Great Egret (Ardea alba) 45 near Kuivizi bird tower, Salacgriva county (I.Denisovs). Large number in one place in August. Red-footed Falcon (Falco vespertinus) 1 1cy at Eleja area, Jelgava county, 1 1cy at Pilsrundale area, Rundale county (K.Millers), 1 1cy at Liksna area, Daugavpils county (A.Erts), 1 1cy migr. to N at Pape B.O., Rucava county (M.Jaunzemis). 1st Red-footed Falcon records this autumn. Grey Wagtail (Motacilla cinerea) 1 near Daugava river at Liksna area, Daugavpils county (A.Erts).

Ardea alba
Falco vespertinus

Greater Spotted Eagle
(Aquila clanga) 1 1cy at Daugavas loki, Daugavpils county (M.Koivula).

Common Quail
(Coturnix coturnix) 3 singing MM at Bozeni fields near Barkava, Madona county (U.Lolans). Late autumn "song".

Common Scoter (Melanitta nigra) 1 M at Burtnieks lake, Burtnieki county (A.Klepers). Very rare so far inland. European Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur) 24 on wires near Nica, Nica county (G.Grandans). Quite a big number at one place in late summer - autumn. European Roller (Coracias garrulus) 4 on the field near the road at Sauriesi area, Salaspils county (N.Zeidaks).

Corn Crake (Crex crex) 1 vocalizing at "Melnragi" farm area, Tukums county (S.Rabkevics). Very late autumn "song". Black Guillemot (Cepphus grylle) 1 on seashore near Pape B.O., Rucava county (G.Grandans, O.Keiss). First observation for Latvia in summer months. Lesser Redpoll (Acanthis cabaret) 1 2cy F trapped and ringed at Pape B.O., Rucava county (I.Dinsbergs, I.Freiberga).

Two-barred Crossbill (Loxia leucoptera) 3 at Garkalne area, Garkalne county (V.Vintulis).Redpoll (Acanthis flammea/cabaret) 1 trapped and ringed at Pape B. O., Rucava county (M.Briedis, I.Dinsbergs). Morphometrical measurements: wing length: 74 mm, depth of bill: 5,7 mm, bill length: 8,8 mm, tail length: 56 mm.
If anybody have some comments about species ID, please feel free and send to or use comments section.

Acanthis flammea/cabaret

Redpoll (Acanthis flammea/cabaret) 1 trapped and ringed at Pape B. O., Rucava county (M.Briedis, I.Dinsbergs). Morphometrical measurements: wing length: 75 mm, depth of bill: 6,0 mm, bill length: 8,6 mm, tail length: 55 mm.
If anybody have some comments about species ID, please feel free and send to or use comments section.

Acanthis flammea/cabaret
European Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur) at least 40 in one flock at Ungurpils area, Aloja county (R.Lebuss). Biggest known flock in Latvia.

European Roller (Coracias garrulus) 2 (at least 1 ad bird) near Daugmale, Kekava county, since 10.08. (M.Medne, J.Granats). Redpoll (Acanthis flammea/cabaret) 2 (1cy and 2cy M) trapped and ringed at Pape B. O., Rucava county (M.Briedis, I.Dinsbergs). Morphometrical measurements: 1cy - wing length: 74 mm, depth of bill: 5,6 mm, bill length: 8,0 mm, tail length: 54 mm. 2cy - wing length: 73 mm, depth of bill: 5,8 mm, bill length: 8,8 mm, tail length: 52 mm.
If anybody have some comments about species ID, please feel free and send to or use comments section.

Coracias garrulus
Acanthis flammea/cabaret
Acanthis flammea/cabaret
Carrion Crow(Corvus corone) 1 at Liepaja seashore, near harbor S pier, Liepaja (K.Millers). Still present at this place at least since 09.06.2008. (I.Mednis).

Corvus corone
Rock Pipit (Anthus petrosus) 1 at Liepaja harbor S pier, Liepaja (E.Laucis). Earliest known autumn migrant record for Latvia ever.

Anthus petrosus
Greenish Warbler (Phylloscopus trochiloides) 1 singing at Mersrags, near Pekrags, Mersrags (J.Jansons). Latest known song in autumn.

White-winged Tern (Chlidonias leucopterus) 2 ad at Satini fish ponds, Saldus county (J.Jansons).

Horned Grebe (Podiceps auritus) 2 ad at Pape lake, Rucava county (I.Mednis).

Podiceps auritus
Redpoll (Acanthis flammea/cabaret) 1 1cy trapped and ringed at Pape B. O., Rucava county (M.Briedis, I.Dinsbergs). Morphometrical measurements: wing length: 75 mm, depth of bill: 5,8 mm, bill length: 8,4 mm.
If anybody have some comments about species ID, please feel free and send to or use comments section.

Acanthis flammea/cabaret
Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) 1 at Daugava river, Liksna area, Daugavpils county (A.Erts). Rare during summer months. Still present at this place at least since 09.07.2011. (A.Gorskis). According to the Latvia Ringing center information, bird ringed on 19.11.2010. Kisezers lake, Riga (A.Kalvans).
Branta canadensis
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