Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis) 1 at Madona (M.Bazulis). European Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria) 70 at Ezere air field, Saldus county (M.Jaunzemis). Purple Sandpiper (Calidris maritima) 1 on Mangalsala pier, Riga (I.Denisovs).
Eurasian Teal (Anas crecca) 1 M at Riteri, Plavinas county (K.Vilks). Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus) 2 at Kolka Cape, Dundaga county (A.Avotins jun., G.Grandans).
Barnacle Goose(Branta leucopsis) 22 at Adazi fields, Adazi county (I.Denisovs). Tufted Duck (Aythya fuligula) 1 at Dervanisku lake, Daugavpils county (A.Erts). Rare during winter months at E Latvija.
White Wagtail (Motacilla alba) 1 at Malpils, Malpils county (V.Freimanis).
Eurasian Teal (Anas crecca) 1 F/1cy in Gauja river at Murlejas, Cesu county (S.Laime). Velvet Scoter (Melanitta fusca) 2, Great Crested Grebe (Podiceps cristatus) 2 at Daugava river, Daugavpils (A.Erts). Rare inland during winter months.
Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) 1 in the reeds at Ezerkrasts bird tower, Liepaja (M.Jaunzemis). Present since 08.12.2013. (R.Rekmanis).
Common Moorhen (Gallinula chloropus) 2 (ad and 1cy) at Sarkandaugava distributary, Riga (I.Denisovs). Present since 15.10.2013. (I.Denisovs). Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis) 1 migrating S over the dunes at Liepaja harbor S pier, Liepaja (K.Millers). Eurasian Rock Pipit* (Anthus petrosus) 1 in the reeds at Ezerkrasts bird tower, 1 on Liepaja harbor S pier, Liepaja (K.Millers).
Tundra Bean Goose (Anser serrirostris) 1 locally together with 43 Whooper Swans (Cygnus cygnus), Tundra Swan (Cygnus columbianus) at least 18 locally together with ~45 Whooper Swans (Cygnus cygnus), Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis) at least 15 in one flock at Nica fields, Nica county (K.Millers).
Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis) 24 on field at Vecbebri surroundings, Koknese county (A.Roze). Present since 10.12.2013. (A.Roze). Very late autumn migrant record.
10.12.2013. Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos) 1 flushed at Langa river bank in Kalngale fields, Carnikava county (U.Piterans). Rare during winter months.
Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus) 1 at Ezerkrasts wastewater pipe, Liepaja (K.Millers). Rare during winter months. Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) 2 at Ezerkrasts meadow, 1 at Ezerkrasts wastewater pipe, Liepaja (K.Millers). Rare during winter months. Common Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus) 2 ad at Seaside Park, Liepaja (K.Millers). Rare during winter months. Whinchat (Saxicola rubetra) 1 in the reeds at Ezerkrasts bird tower, Liepaja (K.Millers). Present since 08.12.2013. (R.Rekmanis). 1st Whinchat winter record in Latvia! Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) ~80 at Ezerkrasts wastewater pipe surroundings, Liepaja (K.Millers).
Barnacle Goose (Branta leucopsis) 29 (two flocks 13 and 16) migrating S over the sea at Liepaja harbor N pier, Liepaja (J.Jansons, A.Mankus). Very late autumn migrant record. Eurasian Wigeon (Anas penelope) 6, Common Pochard (Aythya ferina) 1 M at Liepaja lake near Ezerkrasts bird tower, Liepaja (R.Rekmanis). Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) 1 ad at L.B.T. grain terminal, Liepaja (J.Jansons, A.Mankus). Rare during winter months. Eurasian Skylark (Alauda arvensis) 1 at L.B.T. grain terminal surroundings, Liepaja (J.Jansons, A.Mankus). Rare during winter months. Common Starling (Sturnus vulgaris) ~100 at Karosta, Liepaja (R.Rekmanis). Eurasian Rock Pipit* (Anthus petrosus) 1 at Liepaja harbor N pier (J.Jansons, A.Mankus, R.Rekmanis), 1 at Karosta channel S pier, Liepaja (J.Jansons, A.Mankus). Common Reed Bunting (Emberiza schoeniclus) 1 at Ezerkrasts bird tower, Liepaja (R.Rekmanis). Rare during winter months.
Red-throated Loon (Gavia stellata) 1 1cy at Riga HPP, Salaspils county (U.Piterans). Rare inland. Eurasian Bittern (Botaurus stellaris) 1 at Darzini distributary, Salaspils County (U.Piterans). Water Rail (Rallus aquaticus) 1 vocalises at Darzini distributary, 2 vocalises at Dole islet fish ponds, Salaspils county (U.Piterans). Jack Snipe (Lymnocryptes minimus) 1 flushed at Satini fish ponds, Saldus county (J.Jansons). Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago) 1 flushed at Satini fish ponds, Saldus county (J.Jansons). Lesser Black-backed Gull (Larus fuscus) 1 1cy at Tirdzniecibas channel, Liepaja (R.Rekmanis). Common Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus) 1 to S over Dole islet fish ponds, Salaspils county (U.Piterans). All species (except Red-throated Loon) rare during winter months.
Northern Harrier (Circus cyaneus) 1 ad M at Nica fields, Nica county (K.Millers). Song Thrush (Turdus philomelos) 1 at Kalvene, Aizpute county (R.Rekmanis). Both species rare during winter months.
European Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria) 30 on winter crop at Penkule surroundings, Dobele county (V.Adamsons). Rare during winter months.
Greater White-fronted Goose (Anser albifrons) 1 1cy at Maras pond, Riga (J.Vigulis). Present since 10.10.2013. (J.Vigulis). Sandwich Tern (Thalasseus sandvicensis) 2 1cy locally at Southern forts, Liepaja (R.Rekmanis). 2nd winter record.Common Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus) 2 on wires over corn field at Sejejciems, Nica county (R.Rekmanis). Meadow Pipit (Anthus pratensis) 1 at "Dabas maja" in Pape, Rucava county (R.Rekmanis). All species rare during winter months.
Eurasian Rock Pipit* (Anthus petrosus) - during 2013/2014 winter months (Dec - Feb) all Eurasian Rock Pipits records are published.